Kindergarten & New Student Registration Open Now

Incoming kindergarteners and students who will be new to the Okaloosa County School District for the 2025-2026 School Year can begin to register for school! Parents will need to create a Focus Parent Portal Account to begin the process.

Parents will use their Focus Parent Portal Account to:

  • View their student(s) class schedule and grades

  • View attendance

  • View discipline

  • Communicate with teachers

Create a Parent Portal Account

You will need to use your child’s legal name and have a valid address in Okaloosa County to begin. Parents can also use the registration kiosk in the front office of the enrolling school to complete this step of the process. For an overview of the Parent Portal registration process, watch the video below.

The online enrollment request will serve as a valid enrollment pending receipt of other documents that require a parent/legal guardian signature and proof of residence which need to be brought to the school. At that point, your child will be linked to your Parent Portal Account.