Registering your Child for School
Please visit our Okaloosa County Schools Registration Page to register your student.
To enroll your child for school, you must first create a FOCUS parent portal at the above link. From there, you will add your children under your account. The students then will populate to their zoned school according to their address.
All addresses will be verified on site at their zoned school for accuracy.
Once your student has been registered online in FOCUS, you will receive an email from your zoned school to pick up a registration packet. Once the packet is complete and you have all the necessary paperwork ready to enroll, you may call the Registrar to schedule an appointment at 850-833-4138.
We look forward to meeting you and your students!
Parent Involvement Vital To Learning
A clear and positive relationship exists between parent involvement in their student’s education and the academic progress the student makes in school. The Okaloosa County School District is committed to an active and honest partnership with parents.
Here are just a few suggestions of the many ways you can be involved with your child’s education:
Contact your child's teacher early in the school year and maintain communication throughout the school year;
Participate in parent/teacher conferences;
Ask the teacher what your child is learning and how you can support this at home;
Talk with your child daily about homework, classroom activities, and events;
Learn about school policies and expectations so you can help your child understand them;
Make efforts to stay informed of school and classroom events;
Model behaviors and attitudes you expect from your child;
Encourage and nurture your child's creativity;
Be proactive in making the school aware of your support for your child's education;
Talk with your employer about flex time so you can participate in school activities;
Establish a daily family routine;
Monitor out of school activities;
Model the value of learning, self-discipline, and hard work;
Express high, but realistic expectations for achievement;
Encourage your child's development/progress in school;
Encourage reading, writing, and discussions among family members; and
Be positive when talking with your child about school related activities.
According to research compiled by the Parent Institute (parentinstitute.com), numerous studies conclude that students with involved parents are more likely to:
earn higher grades and test scores;
attend school regularly;
have better social skills and good behavior;
adapt well to school;
graduate and go on to further education.