Transportation Changes and Absence Excuse Notes

Transportation Change Form
Updated 2/28/2023:
In keeping with school district policy, changes to a student's regular transportation plan must be submitted in writing. The note must be signed by a parent and include the date, child's name, address and a phone number of the destination. Edge requires changes to be submitted PRIOR to 2:00 PM and changes CANNOT be made over the phone, emailed, or via private message between parent and teacher (Examples: ClassDojo/Remind/etc.). This is a safety issue we take very seriously and we appreciate your cooperation.
Parents/Guardians may use this Transportation Change Form and send with your child to school or you may come in and complete in person at the front office.
Absence Notes
Parents/Guardians may use the Absence Form or submit a handwritten note to excuse student's absences if they are submitted in writing within 5 days of the absence.
*NEW!* Doctor's excuse notes and parent notes may be uploaded in your Parent Focus Account for quick approval. (Click Portal at the top / Student / Absences / Absent days will show - click "No Files" in the Excuse Note section and it will allow you to upload a photo.)
Absence notes must contain:
Student's name
Parent name
Parent signature
Date(s) of absence
Reason for absence
*Per District Policy: A student has 5 school days, including the day they return, to bring in written verification for an excused absence. The absence will be considered unexcused if the school does not receive written verification for the excused absence within that timeframe.
Parents can request make-up work through the teacher.