A ribbon cutting was held on Tuesday, October 3, at Longwood Elementary School to commemorate the significant renovations and additions to the school's campus. Okaloosa County School District members, elected officials, Half Cent Sales Tax Capital Program Citizens Oversight Committee representatives, Jacobs-Titan, Lord and Son, and community members attended to celebrate and tour the school. "Due to the Half Cent Sales Tax Program that Okaloosa County Voters approved in 2020, our School District is making so many much-needed updates to our buildings throughout the entire District as well as planning for new school construction," stated Superintendent Marcus Chambers.
Longwood Elementary School was built forty years ago and had what many would call an open concept with pod-style classrooms. This summer, Jacobs-Titan and Lord and Son Construction worked tirelessly to put up walls separating the classrooms, creating a more enclosed environment. Lisa Tucker, Principal at Longwood Elementary School, stated, "We now have new walls, new flooring, furniture, roofing, and state-of-the-art technology. We are equipped to prepare the leaders of tomorrow!"
The District looks forward to hosting many more ribbon cuttings soon to unveil several classroom additions, cafetoriums, and multipurpose buildings. For more information, visit the District's Half-Cent Sales Tax Capital Program website.