Title I

Title I, Part A is intended to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. As the largest federal program supporting elementary and secondary education, Title I targets these resources to the districts and schools where the needs are greatest.

If you missed our Annual Meetings at Open House here is a copy of our Title I Annual Meeting presentation (in English & Spanish)

Parent and Family Engagement Plan

Longwood Elementary School has a Parent and Family Engagement Plan.  Our plan is written with input from our School Advisory Council (SAC).  Our plan includes activities such as Reading Night, Math Night, and Science Night just to list a few. We always welcome parent input- your comments, suggestions, and questions help us best serve your child.

Okaloosa County Title I - Parent & Family Engagement Plan
Longwood Elementary Title I - Parent & Family Engagement Plan

Title I Resources

Parent Right to Know Letter

Title I Compact - Agreement between Parent, Student, and Teacher
Title I Compact (Spanish)