Purple Star Campus

Military Families

Welcome to Lewis School. We are committed to providing critical transitional support for military-connected students as they relocate to our school due to a parent's change in duty station. Our focus is to eliminate barriers to the academic success of military-connected students. We are here to assist and support the military family lifestyle in such areas as school transitions, frequent moves, deployment, and education inconsistencies that exist from state to state, along with many others.

Lewis School’s Military POC: Katie Menges (850) 833-4130

Lewis School's Military & Family Life Counselor: Matthew Jones (850) 417-3224

Student Transition Program

Falcon Connect: This student to student program assists our new military students in their transition to Lewis School. Upon arrival at Lewis, they are paired with students from Falcon Connect who help them get acquainted with the school and keep them informed of school events and activities. Parents can contact the guidance office for more information.

Professional Development

Professional Development is provided to all Lewis staff by the Military Family Life Counselor.

Military Student Open Enrollment

Lewis School reserves at least 5% of controlled open enrollment seats, as defined in Section 1002.31, F.S., for military students.

Lewis Military School Events

We honor and celebrate our military families throughout the year in many ways:

  • September - Constitution Week

  • Military Appreciation at Pep Rallies/Sporting Events

  • November - Veteran's Day Choral Program and Military Staff Recognition

  • April - Month of the Military Child, Purple Up Day

  • Lunch Bunch for military students throughout the year

  • Falcon Connect Activities


OCSD Resources for Military Families

Visit the district’s Military Families page for a detailed list of resources and educational opportunities to best assist your family. It contains a PCS document, services, programs, educational resources, and so much more to aid in the success of your educational goals.

*Per School Board Policy 04-48, at least 5% of controlled open enrollment seats are reserved for military students as defined in Section 1002.31, F.S.


OCSD Military Families Tool-Kit

Lewis School Named a Purple Star School

Purple Star School