Title I
Title I, Part A is intended to help ensure that all children have the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach proficiency on challenging state academic standards and assessments. As the largest federal program supporting elementary and secondary education, Title I targets these resources to the districts and schools where the needs are greatest.
Title I, Part A focuses on promoting school-wide reform in high poverty schools and ensuring students' access to scientifically based instructional strategies and challenging academic content. Title I funds may be used for a variety of services and activities, but they are most commonly used for instruction in reading and mathematics. Title I, Part A provisions provide a mechanism for holding states, school districts, and schools accountable for improving the academic achievement of all students and turning around low performing schools, while providing alternatives to students in such schools to enable those students to received a high-quality education.
In Okaloosa County, Title I funds are used for school-wide programs. High-poverty schools (those with 50% or more students from low-income families) are eligible to adopt school-wide programs to raise the achievement of low-achieving students by improving instruction throughout the entire school, this using Title I funds to serve all children.
Currently, the Okaloosa County School District serves fourteen elementary schools with regular Title I funds, including Kenwood Elementary.
November is Parental Involvement Month
November is Florida’s Parental Involvement in Education Month. Did you know that children who eat dinner around the table with their families and take family trips do better in school? Simple free trips to the park or library are as good as expensive trips away from home.
In addition, children who are read to frequently read earlier and better, children who see their parents read regularly are likely to read more themselves, and spending 30 minutes a day with your child can help them to achieve better grades in school. Children really do love to spend time with their parents! (Harvard Family Research Project).
Please visit the Florida Parental Information and Resource Center at USF’s website at www.floridapirc.usf.edu to learn more about helping your student succeed in school. You’ll find tip sheets with ideas to support learning, info on parent workshops and home visiting programs plus much more.
How to Be Involved
When schools work together with families to support learning, children are inclined to succeed not just in school, but throughout life. The Florida Department of Education recognizes that a child's education is a responsibility shared by both schools and families during the entire period a child spends in school.
The following are just a few suggestions of the many ways you can be involved with your child's education:
Contact your child's teacher early in the school year and maintain communication throughout the school year.
Participate in parent/teacher conferences.
Ask the teacher what your child is learning and how you can support this at home.
Talk with your child daily about homework, classroom activities, and events.
Learn about school policies and expectations so you can help your child understand them.
Make efforts to stay informed of school and classroom events.
Model behaviors and attitudes you expect from your child.
Encourage and nurture your child's creativity.
Be proactive in making the school aware of your support for your child's education.
Talk with your employer about flex time so you can participate in school activities.
Establish a daily family routine.
Monitor out of school activities.
Model the value of learning, self-discipline, and hard work.
Express high, but realistic expectations for achievement.
Encourage your child's development/progress in school.
Encourage reading, writing, and discussions among family members.
Be positive when talking with your child about school related activities.