Parent links
Bus Routes - The bus routes for the 2023-2024 school year can be found by clicking on the Infolocator. For most entered addresses, the Infolocator provides a school bus route number, nearest bus stops, distance to stops, and stop times. Best viewed on a PC or tablet.
Destiny Library Manager - See if the Library Has a Book.
FOCUS Parent Portal - The Focus Parent Portal provides parents and guardians access to their child’s Attendance, Grades, and direct communication between teachers, school, and families.
Food Services - Visit Food Services for the latest school meal prices and information on how to pay for meals online.
FortifyFL - FortifyFL is a suspicious activity reporting tool that allows students to instantly relay information to appropriate law enforcement agencies and school officials.
Volunteer - We appreciate your interest in volunteering for the Destin Elementary School. Our school offers a variety of activities you may choose from when volunteering your time. Simply complete and submit a volunteer application and upon approval, you will receive instructions on the next steps.