April 2023 Month of the Military Child

The month of April is Month of the Military Child. Antioch loves and appreciates our military children and their families. We would like to honor our military children and the sacrifices they make every day by living the military lifestyle.

Month of the Military Child was created by Defense Secretary Casper Weinberger in 1986. Currently in the United States, there are 1.2 million children of active-duty members. Since September 11, there have been 2 million children in the U.S. who have experienced a parent’s deployment.

On April 14th, we will “Purple Up” to celebrate our military students. We would like to invite the active-duty parents of our military students to stand out on the bus ramp in your military uniforms, April 14, from 8:10-8:40.   We will have you wave to all the children arriving on the buses and to help celebrate our military kids. Please park on the grass next to the road and walk up to the front of the school.

We look forward to seeing our students in purple supporting our military students and their families.