Military Families
Welcome to Eglin Elementary School. We are committed to providing critical transitional support for military-connected students as they relocate to our school due to a parent's change in duty station. Our focus is to eliminate barriers to the academic success of military-connected students. We are here to assist and support the military family lifestyle in such areas as school transitions, frequent moves, deployment, and education inconsistencies that exist from state to state, along with many others.
Military Point of Contact - Gwen Morris and/or Daren Everage
"HIGH FLYERS" Student Transition Program
All new students will be assigned a HIGH FLIER AMBASSADOR (Junior Deputy Leadership Posse) by the School Registrar during the enrollment process. Whenever possible, the Ambassador will be called to the office and introduced to the new student and their enrolling parent. On the first day of attendance for the new student and continuing for one week, the assigned HIGH FLIER AMBASSADOR will meet the new student at their morning transportation area and walk them to their classroom. The AMBASSADOR’s are there to answer questions about the school for the new student during their morning walks and to learn about the student. If the new student eats breakfast at the school, will escort them to the cafeteria and sit with them/ eat with them before continuing on to class.
When a new student enrolls, the School Registrar will:
Select the “next up” JDLP from the list provided to assign as their Ambassador
Provide the Ambassador a completed “S2S” card including a picture of the new student
Email the HIGH FLIER Program Sponsors each time an Ambassador is assigned to a student (ambassador name, new student name, new student homeroom)
Homeroom teachers will assign new students a HIGH FLIER BUDDY (student assigned by the teacher in the classroom.), beginning with their first day of attendance. HIGH FLIER BUDDY’s are responsible for walking with their new student to special activities, lunch, recess, walks to the nurse or library, etc. The HIGH FLIER BUDDY is to ensure the new student is included in group activities and has someone to sit with during lunch, etc. The HIGH FLIER BUDDY can answer questions for the new student about the school and is generally there to help the new student feel welcome and become acquainted on campus. Teacher discretion will be used for HIGH FLIER BUDDY assignments within each classroom.
Connie Rice (Guidance) – LEAD sponsor and POC for Overall Program Administration
Marilyn Jones-Urenas (4th Grade Teacher) – POC for CLASSROOM BUDDY
Deputy Caitlyn O'Connell (SRO) – POC for AMBASSADORS training
Sponsors are responsible for:
Training the ambassadors and classroom buddies (via teachers).
POC for program questions and issues.
Creating and distributing related materials (QR code school Locator maps, HIGH FLIER Ambassador Cards, Ambassador List).
Professional Development
Eglin Elementary School staff receive professional development concerning how to identify and respond to the needs of military students and their families.
Military Student Open Enrollment
Eglin Elementary School reserves at least 5% of controlled open enrollment seats, as defined in Section 1002.31, F.S., for military students.
Eglin Military School Events
We honor and celebrate our military families throughout the year in many ways:
September - Constitution Week
November - Veteran's Day
April - Month of the Military Child

OCSD Resources for Military Families
The OkaloosaSchools.com website has a detailed list of Military Family Resources and Educational Opportunities to best assist your family. It contains a PCS document, services, programs, educational resources, and so much more to aid in the success of your educational goals.
OCSD Military Families Tool-Kit
Eglin ES Named a Purple Star School